NEW! Weekly Bike Rides

By Jody Corey,
Published On 06/01/2020
We sincerely hope you are all doing well and staying healthy!
Palisade is coming back to life and the valley is green once again! The businesses are opening and we are excited to welcome you back to our town. You can now dine in at the restaurants and taste wine at the wineries. Mesa County has been fortunate that we have had a low amount of COVID19 cases and no deaths, which has allowed local businesses to be slightly ahead of the rest of the state in terms of reopening. We are proud of them in their ability to be nimble and adapt. I’m sure you are seeing the same herculean feats happening in your communities as well. These efforts are inspirational and show the grit of family-run businesses in this crazy time.
Jeff and I have been diligently working on some fun projects and taking time to enjoy springtime in Palisade. We have had dinner outside almost every night and fixed up the area outside of our apartment. Gardening is not usually my thing, but we have found that hobbies keep us mentally healthy!

Yesterday, May 31st, we offered our first weekly group ride around the Fruit and Wine Byway. Rolling out at 9:30am, we rode at safe distances from one another and regrouped halfway at Palisade Pies. Refueling with a cappuccino, pastry or slice of pie was just what we needed! From there, we went our own ways so everyone could opt to shorten or lengthen the ride depending on how they’re are feeling. It was such a success! We are planning on having these rides weekly moving forward. For those joining the ride, we will do our best to allow for a late check-out if you are departing on Sunday. For more info, check out our Facebook page or contact us directly!

We hope you choose to visit us in Palisade when you are ready to vacation. Guests have commented on how great they feel to get out of their house and take a much-needed break. We are committed to keeping you safe so that you can enjoy your trip stress-free. If you have any questions about ANYTHING please reach out! Know that we care for you and miss you like family! Looking forward to seeing you soon.
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